Monday, October 23, 2006

The Weekend

Saturday is my off day, so not much to report. On Sunday I did both of my scheduled workouts (see, having this is already having a salutary effect on my routine), which is good. Though with the first workout I only did the bare minimum.

I've decided when I next do it on Tuesday , I'm going to set the bar a little higher. I'm going for 16 minutes on the Cardio Pull. Yup a whole minute more, I can tell you're impressed. Seriously though, in the past I've gone for these huge jumps right off the bat, only to fall on my face in one way or another. Now my philosophy is to start small and build. Doing it that way I've found you'll end up amazed at what you can accomplish.

I had a decent run. I made it past Mahlon, almost to Clark before I reached my halfway point and I had to head home. Oh those are cross streets to the street I run on if anyone was wondering.

That's all for now. Have fun.

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